Raising Observant Children: 10 Ideas

Why do I believe that observation is the the most important thinking tool? Because it is the lens through which all knowledge is acquired, and you cannot fully use or develop the other 13 thinking tools of creative people without honing your powers of observation. Here are a few simple ideas to help you get started honing […]
Unlocking the Genius Within: Exploring a Thomas Jefferson Education

The TJEd philosophy offers a holistic and individualized approach to education, prioritizing the development of character, critical thinking, and a deep love for learning. It seeks to prepare students to become thoughtful, capable, and inspired leaders in their communities and beyond.
10 Takeaways! Book Review: Better Late than Early

You may have heard of this highly sought after classic from the 1970’s, especially if you follow the “Homeschool Made Simple” philosophy, as this book is on their booklist, and is foundational to their educational philosophy. Dr. Raymond S. Moore and his wife Dorothy N. Moore challenge conventional wisdom presenting a compelling case for allowing […]
Venture Upward? Homeschooling? Pros/Cons?

Background: Over our 7 years of Minnesota home-educating, our family has tried it all. The majority of it has been legal homeschooling (being on file with the state as a homeschooler and 100% driving the educational boat of our family). We have also tried hydrid schooling (3 days of Montessori/2 days home), shared time (a […]
Why Do Minnesotans Homeschool?

The decision to homeschool your kiddos is a weighty one! It’s a complex decision with as many reasons as there are families who choose to do it! We polled 170 Minnesotan Homeschool families over a 9 day period and asked them to select their top 3 reasons (out of 8) for homeschooling, and invited them […]
What is Deschooling?

When we first took our oldest out of public school, I worried about one thing more than any other: are we going to fall behind? All the questions about curriculum and scheduling felt urgent. While in public school, worrying had been a powerful motivator for us to stay on top of assignments. While starting to […]
Family Read Alouds Do More Than You Think*

*(Okay, I want to clear the air about the title of this post real quick—I need you to know that I don’t do hyperbole. I have little patience for it and I know we’re all getting desensitized to over-the-top headlines. Homeschoolsherpa does not do clickbait, and you will never see more than one exclamation point […]